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Healthy Minds and Bodies

Why It Matters
The leading causes of school absences are asthma, oral health problems, and mental health challenges.
​Voices believes access to quality healthcare and comprehensive insurance are vital for a child’s development. Children without coverage are more likely to have unmet health needs and lack a usual source of care.

Where Georgia Stands
highest uninsured childhood
population in the nation
children died by homicide in 2022, making it the second-leading cause of death for children aged 0-17
of youth, ages 3 to 17, had difficulty getting the mental health treatment or counseling they needed

Our Priorities
Highlights of Our Priorities
Increasing insurance coverage for children
Improving access to behavioral healthcare for children
Increasing healthcare access through school-based and other telemedicine programs
Promoting equity in health care coverage
Leading the Child and Adolescent Health Coalition

Progress for Georgia's Kids

It's easier for up to 70,000 uninsured children to get health care coverage.
During the 2021 Legislative Session, Voices helped secure the passage of House Bill 163. This bill directs the state to seek federal approval to allow parents or guardians applying for food assistance for a child (via the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or "SNAP") to automatically gain Medicaid coverage for that child.
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